Bulan Ketujuh di Beijing

"Don't waste your time here, because I know you are far away from home," Dr Lu, 2019 Beijing, 20 Maret 2019 Ternyata lewat sudah satu semester perkuliahan di sini, dan sekarang bergerak bukan hanya menghadapi tugas dan ujian tapi juga menghadapi tantangan yang ada pada diri sendiri. Pekerjaan lab memang bukan hal yang mudah, bahkan di negara sendiri pun aku merasa kesusahan untuk mengikuti, apalagi sekarang di tempat yang jauh dan tidak tau apa-apa. Kicked out from my comfort zone, moving to the area that I hate so much, make me struggle not only for studying project, but also the hardest part, I should suggest my self that I can do this on this two years ahead. Before deciding to continue study in this university, I wanted to get master by taught, while God's plan lead me into this way. Here I am, entering dairy laboratory as only one master among all of doctoral international students. I am getting topic in food chemistry, which was the worst area in my m...