Bulan Ketujuh di Beijing

"Don't waste your time here, because I know you are far away from home," Dr Lu, 2019

Beijing, 20 Maret 2019

Ternyata lewat sudah satu semester perkuliahan di sini, dan sekarang bergerak bukan hanya menghadapi tugas dan ujian tapi juga menghadapi tantangan yang ada pada diri sendiri. Pekerjaan lab memang bukan hal yang mudah, bahkan di negara sendiri pun aku merasa kesusahan untuk mengikuti, apalagi sekarang di tempat yang jauh dan tidak tau apa-apa.

Kicked out from my comfort zone, moving to the area that I hate so much, make me struggle not only for studying project, but also the hardest part, I should suggest my self that I can do this on this two years ahead. Before deciding to continue study in this university, I wanted to get master by taught, while God's plan lead me into this way.

Here I am, entering dairy laboratory as only one master among all of doctoral international students. I am getting topic in food chemistry, which was the worst area in my mind. So, this is the real challenging world that I should face. My thesis project is related to bile salt-stimulated-lipase (BSSL, you can either check in google or sciencedirect, btw :p) in human milk. I focus to the protein, and my first step is proteomics, the thing that I escaped from since the firt time I came to the lab. Then, there are five remaining steps that I also don't know what it was. I don't know why I always get topics which are related to infant. Just take the positive side, I am preparing to be the best mother in the world (in scientific way).

Escaping from chemistry only will be a story for me, since I decided to choose food science due to my unwilingness to choose pharmacy because it is regarding to chemistry. Meanwhile, food sciece is the chemistry in different pronounciation, haha. I escaped by choosing food microbiology as my laboratory at that time that cannot be repeated now.

Spending one month to sit in front of the laptop is like throwing me back to my work life one year ago, while, I don't get salary and white envelope here, ups! But, I am enjoying the process due to my supervisor supports. I believe, God puts me in this situation because He knows that I am strong enough to finish this project and pass it on time.

Since last  3 weeks I got my third season, I was done with the golden autumn, freezing winter, and now blossoming spring is officially coming. I am too excited for waiting different kind of flowers, first time touching the real sakura, cherry blossom, and sub-tropical begonia was so amazing! Maap kampung yak :p

Musim semi pula yang mengajarkan bahwa tidak setiap bunga harus diawali dengan daun, kadang bunga yang cantik bisa tumbuh dulu tanpa daun, kemudian dia gugur. Semua adalah proses, seperti setiap orang yang harus menikmati prosesnya sendiri. Bukan hanya menikmati saat berseminya saja, tetapi juga menikmati saat gugur dan tidak dilihat oleh siapapun.

Sama seperti musim, aku juga sedang dalam proses menikmati keseluruhan hal yang terjadi dalam hidup

Hidup menjadi minoritas mengajarkan bagaimana harus belajar, bukan hanya belajar dunia tapi juga menjawab seberapa besar pemahaman akan agamamu. Karena temanmu akan bertanya mengapa kamu harus sholat 5x sehari, mengapa kamu harus menutup rambutmu dengan kerudung, mengapa kamu punya banyak gerakan saat ibadah. I was failed to answer several question because of my shallow comprehension to my own religion ;"

Di sini, aku merasa waktu berputar begitu cepat,
Sama dengan usiaku yang terus berkurang dan kesempatanku yang semakin berkurang, sedangkan kualitas diriku masih belum layak untuk berjalan jauh ke depan. Aku disini belajar untuk menjadi orang terbaik dalam versiku, membenahi apa yang masih kurang dan mencintai segala hal yang teah dimiliki.

Aku sangat bersyukur dengan segala hal yang telah kumiliki dan berusaha agar selalu siap menghadapi segala hal yang akan datang....

Sampai jumpa di catatan bulan selanjutnya :)


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