The First Two Months Journal

After a long time not sketching on this blog, I'll restart to share something that maybe useful for the reader. Not sure there will be so many people read this actually, haha.

Yes, this is my first two months journal since I arrived in Beijing. Here, I continue my study as well as continue my dream. This is not a far away country since we know that it's still located in Asia, but this is my first time to travel outside Southeast Asia, and will stay here in 3 years (wish it will be 2 years, aamiin). China Scholarship Council was the body which made me study here, in the campus that I never know before, the campus that I never predict before. Frankly, this is not my "dream campus" but I am more than blessed can study here.

Actually, this is Allah's plan to take me here, with thousands life's lessons inside...

I can't lie that to adapt with a whole new environment is never easy; new seasons, new habit, new friends, new facilities, new atmospheres and so on. Meanwhile, I never feel so difficult, because I meet hundred new acquaintances who help me to looking for the new "settle" things here; registrations, halal food, supervisor, courses, tasks. Then I don't know how to say thanks to Allah to let me know them.

Struggling with body adaptation is a must for a weak person like me..

I know well that I am not a strong person in the immunity, even in Indonesia I also face the immunity trouble. Here, I walked too much everyday, dunno how many steps that I've until now, especially in the first week. My body bruised, everywhere, dunno why. I think it's because of doing over physical activity. Hmmmmmm.... so hard for the Go-Jekers like me for accepting reality that I should walking more than two hundred step everyday after almost a year hibernation in Cendana. I also had bad cough in the first two weeks. You can imagine how to have Chinese class in the first time with bad cough. I lost all of my tones, but it's okay, I can follow the lecture well until now-- the course that made me had so much consideration to study in this country. Meanwhile, I make a big wrong tough, Hanyu (Chinese language) and Hanzi (Chinese character) are having an interesting side to be learned, it"s like a magic which raise my interest and enthusiast in each course, while I can't deny Chinese language is difficult~

Now, I am getting better and stronger, no worry...

Before came here, I was busy to improve my english, and forget to prepare that I also applying for China Government Scholarship. So, this is such a big mistake. I don't even know how to make basic conversation with local people. Then, I am always using "body language" like a  dumb, but it's really work. Thanks God for this ability :'). Fortunately, my school is using english taught. So, nothing to loose. Most of people who met me also feel comfy with my english, at least I can well communicate with all of my friend. However, I should make a right sentence or question if I wanna talk or deliver in the class, because I really want my question or my statement well addressed.

I try to repair my broken academic that I did in my Bachelor..

Perhaps, all of my friends know, how bad I am in the academic class in my undergraduate program, particularly in the several last semesters, because my business to organize something, join so many activities, making organization proposal and so on. Then, I felt tired when I came back, can't study anymore. I failed to arrange my priority, ruining all of the things that I have. It's okay, I've learned a lot. I am so sorry to my Mom to this thing, and now I'll try to prove.

Now, I am enjoying my "nerd" life, spending so much time in my room to re-read my lesson, reading papers, reading books, traveling in the weekend, and shopping hard. I think it's better, at least without so many activities, I can maintain my health and focus in the class (not moving my bed in the class, like I did).
Having new goal means you should change your priorities. If  you want to change the world, the first step you take is change your priority.

A minion with strange scarf? Stranger?

On this post really I don't wanna complain about my body size. I know that unique doesn't mean it's useful, but I don't any choice rather than accepting and blessing, right? Even in my country I always seen as stranger because of my size. Hence, it's a basic strength to be stronger right now. For academic environment it's something okay, they know about religion, but for others? Yeah, but this is a reality that should be tackle for every moslimah who lived in minority moslem countries. I give my thumbs up for everyone outside there. For me? I still try to don't care about what the people say. They have their own mouth, let them speak or say whatever they want, because it's their right. Maybe they wanna speak because this is only the way to show where there mouth is, ups!

This is also a challenge for me to explain for them why I used this, why I keep wearing scarf, why my religion is protect everything, restrict anything and so on. Again, this is Allah way to make me learn more about my religion, by the way I miss the Adzan :"

Finally, I believe that every journey has their own story, and this is mine. For me, something that I got from he journey is not only story but also another blessing that I never can counting...


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